Question #1 Why are Conservatives so damned unhappy about everything? Seriously many of these people are just miserable.
If you came to accept the world as it is, to not think change is necessary and good, would you be happy? Especially viewing the shattered landscape of battlefields and poverty-stricken slums across the world. It's not something to feel "happy" over, and you'd be more bitter if you were stuck in a dead-end job making money for somebody else. You realize you've worked your whole life, yet most of the fruits of your labor went to somebody else, and you think, "That's the way of the world, and nothing will change."
Question number two. Even when the discussion doesn't concern politics why must Conservatives always make it the vocal point of the debate?
They were probably offended at your signature with Jon Stuart Mill's quotation and saw it as a roundabout attack on them.
Question number 3. Why after all the lies that this administration has told the American people do they still have to fall back on their same old hobgoblins that never even really existed?
If I was a firm supporter of a party with a shitty record on quality of public education, quality of health care, environmental protections, labor standards, etc. I'd be pulling whatever I can out of my ass to change the topic to something else, too.
Question #4 being Conservatives how do these people know who my hero's are?
Well, given my answer to your second question, I'd assume they thought you were liberal as a result, so they automatically assumed your heroes were liberals.
Question #5 why do Conservatives think Liberalism is a mental disorder?
People who stir stuff up, in their minds, are lovers of pain, and they see that as crazy and stupid. They don't understand it. Why would people want to rock the boat, stir stuff up, and challenge everything?
Well, gee, one reason is they might not be happy with the way things are going and feel driven to try and change it to what they believe is right. Of course, this usually pisses off powerful people who profit off the existing order, and as Machiavelli said:
It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage, than the creation of a new system. For the initiator has the enmity of all who would profit by the preservation of the old institutions and merely lukewarm defenders in those who would gain by the new ones.
Question #6 What makes people like this tick? seriously I wanted to talk Basketball and he was stuck in 1999 arguing Al Gore.
They're satisfied with the current state of their mind. Any notion or idea that may challenge or destroy their conception of the world will be opposed.
A thinking man is never satisfied. If he finds an answer, he goes to test it, and if there is no more to be found, he moves on to the next question. Sometimes the answer to the next question will challenge the first, so he has to either recalibrate his answer to the first or junk it in favor of an answer that can adequately address both questions. As a result, his conception of the world changes.
If you find a leftist who is a leftist because he grew up with leftist parents in a leftist community, he's a good guy with a good mind, but if you find a leftist who is a leftist because he thinks about things even though he may have grown up in a conservative home or a conservative environment, you have found a great mind.
So Question number #7 I guess is... How do you talk to a Conservative...If you must? ( god I feel dirty for stealing that)
With dyed-in-the-wool conservatives, avoid politics. With those who are not really conservatives, gently push them to think when asked but don't shove your views down their throats. Rather, simply provide them the tools necessary to find the answers. You can give a mountain climber all the tools he needs, but in the end, he has to do the work for himself.