Reasons often cited for impeachment include:
* The Plame affair.
* Unresolved questions surrounding the reasons for the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
* The War on Terrorism.
* The Downing Street documents.
* The Yellowcake forgery.
* The 2001 terrorist incidents known as "9/11" for September 11, 2001.
* The mishandling of the Hurricane Katrina disaster.
* The authorization to conduct domestic wiretaps without a warrant controversy.
* And the president's assertion that his powers as commander in chief give him the authority to bypass a new law restricting the use of torture when interrogating detainees.
Among the charges proposed by Ramsey Clark against the Bush administration are the following:
* Fabrication of evidence regarding Iraq's threat to the United States in the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, specifically, that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction;
* Violation of various sections of the United States Constitution and Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
* Committing crimes relating to "bribery and coercion of individuals and governments;"
* Concealing "information vital to public discussion and informed judgment;" and
* Being responsible for assassinations, torture, and indefinite detentions such as the Camp X-Ray, Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse, Bagram torture and prisoner abuse, desecration of the Qur'an at Guantánamo Bay and other such matters including the persecution of U.S. and non-U.S. Muslims.
* Violating the First Amendment to the United States Constitution on numerous occasions by taking prohibitive measures on protests and marches by citizens of the United States.
Many activists charge that Bush committed obstruction of Congress, a felony under 18 U.S.C. 1001, by withholding information and by supplying information Bush should have known to be incorrect in his States of the Union speeches.
This law is comparable to perjury, but it does not require that the statements be made under oath. Martha Stewart recently went to prison for violating this law by making false statements to investigators. Caspar Weinberger was indicted under this law in relation to his involvement in the Iran-Contra affair, but he escaped prosecution by being pardoned by Bush's father.
Media response to polls:
The major media have largely ignored these opinion polls and protests. Several columnists have endorsed impeachment. Eleanor Clift on the McLaughlin Group predicted on 6 November 2005 that "if the country, acccording to the polls, believes by a margin of 55 percent that President Bush misled us into war, the next logical step is impeachment and I think you’re going to hear that word come up and if the Democrats ever capture either house of Congress there are going to be serious proceedings against this administration.