from the email:
If you know anyone who would like to join our panel, please click on this link to send them an invitation:
Do you agree or disagree that abortion ends a human life?
Not sure
In some states, if a pregnant woman is murdered, the person committing the murder is guilty of two murders, the woman and her child. Do you agree or disagree with this law?
Not sure
Do you agree or disagree that federal or state governments should finance abortions for poor women?
Not sure
Do you agree or disagree that private insurance plans should be required to finance abortions in cases where the woman's life is not endangered?
Not sure
Which of the following best describes when you think life begins?
At conception
At 3 months
At 6 months
At birth
Not sure
Which of the following two statements comes closer to your own view - A or B?
Statement A. Parents are responsible for the welfare and health of their children. A parent should be notified if their minor daughter is seeking to have an abortion.
Statement B. There are lots of reasons why a minor might not want to tell her parents that she is seeking an abortion. There should be no mandatory parental notification for a minor seeking an abortion.
Statement A
Statement B
Neither/not sure
Two federal judges struck down a law prohibiting partial-birth abortion, which was passed overwhelmingly in Congress and was signed into law by President Bush, because the health of the mother was not included as an exception. Do you agree or disagree that Congress should pass another Partial-Birth Abortion law to make the procedure illegal?
Not sure
Do you agree or disagree that a federal law or state laws be passed similar to the one already in place in four states, that would restrict the coverage of abortion in private insurance plans only to cases in which the woman's life is in danger if the pregnancy is carried to term?
Not sure
Do you agree or disagree that a federal law or state laws should be enacted mandating that women be given counseling prior to an abortion that includes information on at least one of the following: the purported link between abortion and breast cancer, the ability of a fetus to feel pain, long-term mental health consequences for the woman and/or the availability of services and funding should the woman decide to carry the pregnancy to term?
Not sure
Do you agree or disagree that a federal law or state laws should be enacted to require a woman seeking an abortion to wait 24 hours from when she goes for the abortion to when the procedure is performed so that she receives counseling?
Not sure
Do you agree or disagree that more state laws should be passed, similar to the recent law passed in Missouri, which allows civil lawsuits to be filed against anyone who helps a teen obtain an abortion without parental consent?
Not sure
Abortion rights groups are backing lawsuits against pharmacies who refuse to sell the "morning-after pill." Do you agree or disagree that pharmacies and pharmacists be protected against such lawsuits?
Not sure
Do you think that the "morning-after" abortion pill, commercially known as Plan B, should be available over the counter or should it be available only by prescription?
Available over the counter
Available only by prescription
Not available at all
Not sure
. . 38% complete