News Hounds Media Digest #73
"We watch FOX, so you don't have to." 1. Ellen: Every night last week, Hannity & Colmes prosecuted its war on education with biased coverage of the "national controversy"surrounding Jay Bennish, the Colorado teacher suspended from his job after one of his students taped him making anti-Bush remarks. When Bennish was reinstated on Friday, FOX News kept up its assault on Bennish and the American education system by continuing to focus on the sensationalized and unsubstantiated accusations against Bennish. 2. Janie: Sean Hannity appeared as a guest on Dayside Monday to give his "expert" opinion on the Colorado teacher, Jay Bennish, that was suspended for comparing Bush's rhetoric to Hitler's rhetoric. He obviously did not have a very strong case to make, since just about every other word out of his mouth was a lie. 3. Judy: William Kristol told Fox News viewers that it was Karl Rove who initiated the decision to drop the Dubai Ports World deal, and that as a result, George Bush ended up looking weak. Marie Therese: Last week, in the wake of a disastrous run of bad news for the crippled Bush Presidency, FOX News fell back on a tried and true tactic of the extreme right wing: When under pressure, create scapegoats. Consequently, FOX aired many segments "exposing" an unpatriotic high school teacher's lecture (Jay Bennish), an out of control Ivy League college that admitted the former Taliban ambassador (Yale University), the one-day suspension of a prominent NYC prison chaplain (Imam Umar Abdul-Jalil) and the refusal of a N.J. school district to release the verdict in a high school's mock trial of George Bush. The ominous message to educators and clerics is "censor yourself or someone will report you to the right-wing media who will then rake you over the coals." It was the New Jersey story that caught readers' attention. 5. Chrish: Fox News Channel obliges the White House again by diverting attention from the quagmire in Iraq and starting a new war right here at home. This time the war author, literally, is Bill O'Reilly, who is promoting his upcoming book on the non-existent culture war. 6.Deborah: Bill O'Reilly thinks Fleet Week, an annual San Francisco event, should be moved to another location claiming that the city's leaders have been "hostile" to the Military and don't deserve the revenue.