Da Hillary Code
How Many Books Can One Flamboyant Junior Senator Sell? Regnery’s Superstar, Van Natta-Gerth Million-Dollar Subject—Dozen More Set in 2006-7; Carl Bernstein Still a Mystery
By Ben Smith
Back in the autumn of 2002, as pundits were portraying Hillary Clinton as a surprisingly moderate U.S. Senator, Carl Limbacher got an unexpected call.
It was from an editor at a division of Crown Publishing. He wanted a book about Hillary Clinton from Mr. Limbacher, an Oyster Bay printer who moonlights as a writer for the fiercely right-wing Web site NewsMax.
“Crown came to me—it wasn’t my idea to write a book,” Mr. Limbacher said.
The following spring, Hillary’s Scheme appeared under Random House–owned Crown Publishing’s new conservative imprint, Crown Forum. Addressed to conservatives, the book’s central argument was: Be very afraid. Its sourcing was drawn from a rich field of existing anti-Hillary literature, stretching back to the early 1990’s, and whose Boswell is Clinton apostate Dick Morris. Like the growing stack of biographies and polemics on Mrs. Clinton, the book’s driving force was the fact that attacks on New York’s junior Senator sell—regardless of reviews.
“There’s an endless fascination with Hillary,” said Jed Donahue, Mr. Limbacher’s editor at Crown Forum. Mr. Donahue was lured to New York’s corporate publishing world from the conservative Regnery Publishing. “She is someone who people on the right take very seriously.”
Mrs. Clinton is the subject of about 30 volumes already. About a dozen more will be written, researched or set in type between now and the fall of 2007—when the 2008 Presidential race will be in full swing. This year’s crop is slender and unabashedly conservative: Crown Forum has two more, John Podhoretz’s Can She Be Stopped: Hillary Clinton Will Be the Next President of the United States Unless … (due out in May), and conservative media critic Brent Bozell’s Whitewash (out this fall) on the media’s coverage of Mrs. Clinton.
http://www.observer.com/20060313/20060313_Ben_Smith_pageone_coverstory1.asp There are 30 books on Mrs. Clinton, with 12 more to come by 2007.