A Hail Mary against global warming peril
Cal grad student working on thin solar panel
Rick DelVecchio, Chronicle Staff Writer
Monday, March 13, 2006
Long before President Bush told Americans they were addicted to oil, UC Berkeley graduate student Ilan Gur was down in his basement chemistry lab working toward a cure.
Gur thinks big. His goal is to play a part in creating a new kind of solar panel, one so light it could roll off a printing press like newsprint, and so cheap that the world's poorest local economies could not only afford to buy it but also make it.
For economies in the industrialized world, Gur speculates, the bargain would be even better: Solar sheeting could serve a double role, cutting fossil-fuel consumption and expanding overall energy production.
The future Gur hopes to make a reality would be more environmentally stable because carbon dioxide levels in the air would be in balance with what nature can absorb, and also more prosperous because there would be increased energy available and accessible to more people.No matter how people like Bush and Cheney try to frustrate progress, innovation continues!