Caroline's comedy club in NYC on Saturday. I went to see Patton Oswald, a guy from the DC area, who is a known Bush-basher. (I learned this from reading a Wikipedia entry on him when I was deciding whether or not to go. Of course, other known bush-bashers include Letterman, Leno, Stewart, Colbert, and virtually EVERY comic right now except Jeff Foxworthy…) Anyway, he was pretty funny (came out "Arty Lang drunk," except that he actually had some jokes to tell.) Then I witnessed one of the most ridiculous scenes by a stand-up's audience ever...
About 15-20 minutes into the routine, he makes some innocuous Bush joke, then asks: Are there any Bush fans in the audience?
Woman sitting at table in front of me in audience: I love George Bush! (she looked normal, like maybe 45ish, wearing a pant suit. She was also yelling stuff at the first 2 comics. Personally, I hate when audience members try to steal the show from the comic you paid $30 to go see.)
P: Why, are you a billionaire?
Her: Close!
P: You're a millionaire?
Her: Yup!
Well, I hate to break it to you, but you're still not rich enough to like George Bush!
She gives him a thumbs up sign and claps.
For maybe another 5 seconds he runs with the "he doesn't care about you b/c you're not rich enough" line...
Then, she jumps up and starts yelling at him: "You know what, F you! %$&#$*!" She starts vigosously flipping him the bird and continues cursing at him, and then storms out! Hubby with cellphone clipped to the belt of his tight blue jeans dutifully follows, along with the other couple that was with them - I don't think they were very pleased about having to follow her out.
The entire audience was stunned, but laughing our a$$es off. He spent about 2 minutes ripping on them, then moved on. It was an amazing sight. Sorry, when you drink THAT much koolaid, and your skin is THAT thin, maybe it's a good idea not to go to any comedy clubs for another 3 years...