all aflutter. It's as if he is visiting to view the scenery or perhaps take a tour of wine country or, God forbid, hang around the Veterans hospital which is a stone's throw from where the "town meeting" will be held. He is expected to talk about the Medicare prescription plan. Why? Why doesn't he stay in Washington and pretend he is taking care of business instead of traipsing all over the country talking about something he knows less than nothing about? Protesters will be around town. Canandaigua is small, so maybe they'll be seen. I'd like to be there with them but I will be hooked up to life support during that time. He will visit an upscale Senior living complex first so the excited news people are saying. The trip was almost deep sixed due to "the word" getting out last week. :woohoo: I guess there wasn't a gag order. Doesn't someone on air have the courage to say what most people are thinking? Maybe one of the talk radio guys has told it like it is on one of the radio stations. Maybe.