Why are the Republicans so afraid (of the truth)?
by Rep Louise Slaughter
Mon Mar 13, 2006 at 08:42:07 AM PDT
Hi folks. I wanted to come on here and responds directly to some recent baseless and desperate attacks on our report America for Sale, from our friends on the far right.
Instead of challenging the fundamental truth of the America for Sale Report; my Republican colleagues have resorted to what they seem to do best: attempt to smear anyone who dares question them. They are suggesting that the report was a political document, and are now engaging petty and desperate attacks on how the report was posted online. By the way it is still available online, and you can read it by clicking here
Why are the Republicans so afraid (of the truth)?
They are desperately trying to discredit a report they can't discredit on its merits because this report is backed up by more than 650 pages of articles published in newspapers, periodicals around America.
We are not making anything up.
They are afraid because the America for Sale Report explains directly and effectively how the corruption of our legislative process has impacted the lives of all Americans and very clearly falls under the purview of the Rules Committee. I stand proudly by the report, and believe every American should have the opportunity to read this document about how our government is really being run.
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