Andrew Sullivan is for once - making sense,,2092-2081214,00.html...The South Dakota bill is Roe in reverse. It criminalises all abortions at any stage after conception. There are no exceptions even for rape, incest or the health of the mother. Even where the mother’s life may be at stake, the law demands that doctors “make reasonable medical efforts under the circumstances to preserve both the life of the mother and the life of her unborn child”. The penalty is five years in prison for the doctor.
The shrewder types in the pro-life movement don’t want this law passed right now. While they agree with the law in substance, they fear that the Supreme Court is not quite ready to legitimise such a drastic step. They worry that the law will get struck down swiftly and firmly and end up helping support Roe, scare the American centre and put back their cause...
...That debate itself galvanises the pro-choice Democratic voter, and freaks out the moderate Republicans as well. Gay marriage bans only ever affected a small minority, so it was hard for a backlash to the backlash to gain ground. But not on the abortion issue...