He blogs about the lies made up about his Cspan interview :D
• March 13, 2006 | 4:18 p.m. ET
Daily Made-up News (Keith Olbermann)
SECAUCUS - Everybody who writes for a living ought to be subjected to one day in which they are written about. The results would be mortifying - and educational.
Today’s lesson in this subject should go to gossip columnist Lloyd Grove, his assistant Katherine Thomson, and their employers at The New York Daily News, who are guilty of taking quotes out of context in such an egregious manner -- and ignoring an extraordinary conflict of interest for Ms. Thomson -- that what they published wouldn’t have gotten past the editor of my 4th Grade Class Newspaper.
In an interview with CSPAN that aired last night, I managed to compliment both my boss at MSNBC, network president Rick Kaplan, and our bosses at NBC and the parent company GE - Kaplan for his support of Countdown and the corporate types for never letting what might be their own personal ideologies get in the way of the news, or their corporate mission to make money.
Compliments. On tape. On television. And Grove and Thomson twisted them into negatives, into insults.
Grove wrote today: “BLOOD FEUD? MSNBC's Keith Olbermann deeply distrusts the top brass at NBC and its parent company, General Electric, judging by his interview with C-SPAN's grand inquisitor, Brian Lamb. ‘There are people I know in the hierarchy of NBC, the company, and GE, the company, who do not like to see the current presidential administration criticized at all,’ he claimed, without naming names. ‘Moral force and money often do not mix in the slightest.’”
Well, that’s a fantastic job of selecting quotes, draining them of their context, and trying to start trouble where none exists.
Here’s what I said, in full, according to the CSPAN transcript.