send them to my local paper if you are afraid-the publisher prints all letters that are signed.'s mine-nothing special.
Today, March 13,2006,a senator did a courageous thing. He risked his political clout and reputation to attempt to protect his constituents from a violation of their civil liberties. When Senator Russ Feingold introduced a motion to censure regarding the president’s illegal wiretapping of American citizens, he was acting as a true public servant, looking after our best interests, and not his own. Regardless of whether this motion to censure is carried out, Senator Feingold has established himself as a man of true character, not a partisan hack. I support the investigation of the NSA tappings,the lobbying graft, the initiation of war on false pretenses, and any number of other crimes and conflicts of interest committed by so many in the Bush administration. I hope that Democrats and republicans of true moral character will put aside their partisan interests and investigate these breeches of our Constitution.Remember,a “War against Terror” can last forever, giving the next president even more unsupervised power.