Edited on Mon Mar-13-06 11:43 PM by Just Me
Why? :shrug:
Why aren't we relentless, ever painful spurs on those REPUKIN' asses, every damned day?
Why? :shrug:
Who's betraying our people? THE PUKES!!!! Who's hiding the war dead and injured? THE PUKES!!!! Who's channeling national treasure into elitists' pockets? THE PUKES!!! Who's responsible for the national debt? THE PUKES!!!! Who's responsible for tens of thousands of soldiers' disabilities and deaths? THE PUKES!!! Who's responsible for selling our security to UAE (proven financiers of al Qaida)? THE PUKES!!! Who's responsible for empowering Communist China as our major creditor? THE PUKES!!!! Who's responsible for my Gramma choosing between food and medicine? THE PUKES!!!! Who's responsible for ILLEGAL domestic spying? THE PUKES!!! Who's responsible for ILLEGAL TORTURE!?!?! THE PUKES!!! Who's responsible for government-sponsored, taxpayer-funded propaganda? THE PUKES!!! Who's responsible for lower quality of American life? THE PUKES!!!! Who's responsible for inciting hatred and division? THE PUKES!!!! Who's responsible for LOSING BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS OF TAXPAYER DOLLARS? THE PUKES!!! Who's responsible for a McCarthyism-type revival? THE PUKES!!! Who's responsible for failing to adequately equip and "insure" our soldiers? THE PUKES!!! Who's responsible for the Talibans' rise to power? THE PUKES!!! Who's responsible for Saddam's rise to power? THE PUKES!!!! Who's responsible for ObL's rise to power? THE PUKES!!!! Who's responsbile for failing to protect us against the 9/11 attacks? THE PUKES!!! Who's responsible for making Americans feel fearful? THE PUKES!!! Who's responsible for outing a CIA operation all over WMD proliferation? THE PUKES!!!! Who's responsible for rising energy costs? THE PUKES!!! Who's responsible for ENRON? THE PUKES!!! Who's responsible for global instability? THE PUKES!!! Who's responsible for D.C. corruption? THE PUKES!!! Who's responsible for oppressing whistle-blowers? THE PUKES!!! Who's responsible for the miserable state of this nation? THE PUKES!!!
So, stop your incessant whining and petty bitching about every nit-picky freakin' imperfection of Democrats WHO ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ANY ANY OF THE REPUKES' BARBARIC IMPOSITION OF WILL UPON ALL-OF-US!!!
SMASH the heartless assholes IN CHARGE,...fer keeryst's sake!!! Otherwise, I'm not feeling sorry or empathetic or angry or disappointment or ANYTHING for any of ya' when the REPUKES retain control. If you can't get your shit together ENOUGH to, at least, spot and prosecute the common enemy,....I'm not gonna' care. I'll just watch those pricks continue to chew us all to political bits and won't be vested in any of it.
RANT OFF!!!!!!! :banghead: :rant: :banghead:
On edit: editing as I go along, here. ;-)