I finally stopped watching Chris Matthews. Just couldn't take it anymore. The thing that infuriates me is that he tries to come off as an impartial moderator (at least in his commercials). He says that he will ask the tough questions, but I think we all know that all he is is Hillary basher and a Republican sycophant. If a host wants to be conservative, he/she should at least SAY they are. I have more respect for Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity because they don't try to be unbiased. Ever since Hardball made that sharp turn to the right, it's been unbearable. It really seemed to get worse when his brother decided to run for Lt Gov. of PA. I know he always gushed over Bush and McCain, but at least some days he would attack the Republicans/conservatives. No longer.
I feel like I should write and tell him why I'm no longer watching his show. I've always thought that if you are dissatisfied with a product or service, you should let them know how you feel. Do you think anyone actually reads those emails that get sent from his web page? Or do they just put up the address to make us feel better? What would happen if there was a concerted email campaign?