I don't have a link for this since it is from an email posted at the DFA blog. Dean has been making a lot of contact with this group, which I think I read numbers about 7 million altogether. He met with them in Canada, and in UK I know for sure.
This is interesting, I keep going back to the word enthusiasm because it is becoming more evident in the party now. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "Another group that should be FIRST is the American Democrats Abroad (ADA). Delegates have just returned from the Democratic Party Committee Abroad Conference in Washington DC, March 3-4, 2006.
Here are some excerpts from our local group's report:
<...> 100 Dem members and Chairs and Chapter Chairs from around the globe from Hong Kong to Okinawa, to Tokyo to Chang Mai, from Delhi to Sydney, the Yukon to Toronto, Mexico, Mexico and Mexico, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Paris and Toulouse, Frankfurt and Hamburg, Dublin, London, Oxford, Milan, Florence, Rome, Barcelona, Madrid, Brussels, Tel Aviv, and even tiny Luxembourg were present.
<...> As a group we were all taken with the energy, passion and openness of the DNC (Democratic National Committee) team from Gov Dean to each of his dynamic and brilliant young staffers. This group, as one of them put it, had been standing outside the DNC throwing pebbles at the windows just months ago, now they are inside, and in charge. Their strategy if you haven’t read about it ad nauseum already is simple and direct: rebuild the Democratic party from the ground up, leave no state without a political director and at least two staffers to build infrastructure and roots. Democrats Abroad is a tiny but critical part of that strategy.
We lunched with Gov Howard Dean, met with the DNC Executive Director, Political Directors, Communications Director, Intergovernmental Affairs Director, Vice Chairs, Secretary, College Democrats, and the Director and Deputy Director of Training. We discussed Strategy, Overseas Voting, watched Technology Presentations, participated in Communications, Activist training, and Fundraising workshops, and came away exhausted and inspired.
Outside the DNC family we met with the Commissioner of the Election Assistance Commission and Deputy Director of the Federal Voting Assistance Program, as well as the impressive Communications Director of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard, the Founder of the New Organizing Institute, and the Washington Political Director of MoveOn.