If you have a livejournal account this is a good thing to post on it... sadly, the code won't work here on DU.
Here's one with my livejournal account nickname and one with the nickname I use here
Username: tiptoe39
Age: 27
My random issue: Gays
My right-wing rant:
Those damned evolution-loving atheists
are undermining the War on Terr'r
because you just know that Michael Moore
is in league with Harry Reid
and the evil liberal bloggers
and if they don't stop criticizing our president's fashion sense
this country is going to become one gigantic hedonistic orgy
Username: The Witch
Age: 27
My random issue: Goobers
My right-wing rant:
Those damned gay penguins
are undermining the sanctity of (second and third and fourth) marriage
because you just know that Hillary
is in league with Saddam Hussein
and the tree-hugging lobbyists
and if they don't stop promoting the Gay Agenda(TM)
this country is going to rename Mt. Rushmore "Brokeback Mountain"
Fill out your answers and get your own personalized right-wing rant!:evilgrin: