Edited on Tue Mar-14-06 04:07 PM by Taverner
An oldie I posted a while back...may it get us fired up for 2006 and 2008....
We lived under your laws. We obeyed your rules. We didn't smoke pot because you told us not to. We didn't get into same sex marriages because you told us marriage was only legal for men and women. We stayed in our bike lanes because you told us that was the only place on the road we could be legally protected.
But then things changed - we got fed up. We passed medical marijuana laws, we legalized the stuff in some places even. We rode in Critical Mass rides, taking back the streets that belonged to all of us, not just motorists. We started getting married to same sex partners.
We told you, the lawmakers, to collectively fuck off.
Why did we do this? Like I said, we were sick of your "just becuase" defense of your laws. We felt like the children who asked why and just got back a condescending "because I said so." It didn't hold water then, and it doesn't now.
Here's the real kicker - your days are numbered. Right now we are affecting change in cities across the country. We are electing leaders who share our vision, and we are getting rid of those who don't. We are holding those who court us accountable. And we are winning.
Sure, you may own the news stations, and the government now...but eat drink and be merry for tomorrow you will be standing in the unemployment line, begging for the very same benefits that you tried to take from us.
Who are we? We are the people. We are straight men, straight women, gay men, gay women, pot smokers, teetotallers, bicyclists, soccermoms, NASCAR dads...we are, America.
And we are here to take the keys back. You have proven yourselves irresponsible