I see many variations of this: Republican talking points, reading from Rove's script, etc.
I think accusing people of using "RW talking points" is a cheap shot, a version of the ad hominem attack that fails to address whatever argument the poster is making.
If Bush said the sky is blue and I agreed, would I be guilty of a "right-wing talking point?"
I once got accused of this for suggesting during the height of the Plame Wars that maybe the CIA didn't deserve to be sacrosanct.
I see it has also come up in the Dubai port deal controversies. (Particularly odd in this case, given the political splits that developed on this.)
And today someone accuses Russ Feingold of hewing to "RW talking points" for dissing his fellow Democrats over the censure non-debate and non-vote.
Now, if someone pops up and sounds like he just got done taking notes from Sean Hannity, the "RW talking point" accusation might have some merit, but even then, it seems better to refrain and merely refute the point.