Hitler's rise as a parallel and a lesson regarding the Bush junta, but there are also very significant differences, most of them in our favor as a progressive and democratic people. For one thing, the U.S. is a much bigger country than Germany, just as to geography, and much, much more culturally diverse--a very hard country to rule over without the consent of the people. For another, Germany was on its knees economically--much worse off than we are now (stories of people having to take wheelbarrows full of money to the bakery for a loaf of bread). Hitler took a ruined country and built it up into a mighty industrial war machine. The Bushites are not doing that. They seem to be a wrecking crew instead--they are building NOTHING--and are major looters, which may be their primary purpose, robbery. And for a third, where are the Hitler Youth Groups? Sure, there are some rightwing 'christian' groups that are damned scary, but they have always been with us. Really, their rise is almost entirely an illusion of the war profiteering corporate news monopolies. Where are the goose-stepping, brain-washed, uniformed Hitler Youth? We hear from those types sometimes on the radio, anonymously (and in the blogosphere), but they almost never show themselves. How many are they, really? And if the country is so rightwing, so gungho to kill Arabs, and so pro-Bush, why aren't they all marching down the streets of America, in a proud display of Bushism? I think it very telling that they are not. And I think it means that almost nobody would support them, and that Bush worship is a small phenomenon--he has to struggle to get 40% of population to give him mere approval (not worship) in Bush-friendly opinion polls (and I think that has always been the case, "election" numbers to the contrary notwithstanding).
Germany's democracy in the early 1930s was much newer than ours is. We have a strong, long-standing democratic tradition, and also--if you are familiar with the issue polls over the last several years--an overwhelming progressive majority on all issues.
I don't think the Bush junta has convinced anyone of anything. It is a coup, not a conversion. Germany was both--Hitler seizing the mechanisms of power from a shattered liberal government, and whipping the Germans into a frenzy of support with fiery speeches on German nationalism and German destiny, and with some of the worshipful support (and only some of it) faked, out of fear of his power and fear of his thugs.
Bush? Uh-uh. He has neither Hitler's intelligence nor his talents--and his junta inspires loathing, not worship.
What's happening in the U.S. right now is both more complicated, and, also, in one way, very simple. The simple part is Diebold and ES&S, the two Bushite corporations that took over our election system in the 2001-2004 period, using "TRADE SECRET," PROPRIETARY programming code in the new electronic voting systems, with virtually no audit/recount controls, funded (and designed) by the two biggest crooks in Congress, Tom Delay and Bob Ney (the so-called "Help America Vote Act"). Bush & Co. would be out on their ears, if it were not for secret, Bushite-controlled vote tabulation.
So, no matter how many people we got out to vote in 2004 (the biggest turnout in history), and no matter how well we matched the Bush/Cheney money machine with small contributions (dollar for dollar), and no matter how many new people who registered as Democrats (a 60/40 blowout success for the Democrats), none of it mattered. The machines were clearly rigged. That's WHY Tom Delay & brethren set up the private corporate takeover of our election system, between 2001-2004, and insisted on no paper trail.
It's a no-brainer that you have to have, a) open source code (if you're going to tabulate votes electronically), and b) a paper trail and other audit controls. We don't have them. Ergo, 2004 was not an election. It was a coup.
The result is a situation in which virtually no one approves Bush, or even likes Bush, except a minority of fanatics, and most people don't know how he can be president. They have been deliberately deprived of information about the non-transparent election system, and, in fact, the war profiteering corporate news monopolies were complicit in the 2nd stolen election. They shut down the network reporting system on election night 2004 and FALSIFIED their exit polls (which Kerry won) to FIT the results of Diebold's and ES&S's secret vote tabulation (Bush won)--thus depriving the American people of major evidence of election fraud, and squelching protests and calls for investigation. (--not so in the Ukraine, where people got to see the two separate and conflicting figures, exit polls vs. official results, and knew something was very wrong).
The majority of Americans are mystified and demoralized--and, above all, DISENFRANCHISED. They CAN'T change leaders, and they don't know why. They have lost their sovereignty as a people, with loss of the mechanism by which we exercise that sovereignty, our right to vote.
The matter is complicated in these senses: We started losing our sovereignty some time ago, with corporate campaign contributions and corporate control of legislation--increasing corruption in government. This greatly diluted our vote. The rich can buy million dollar minutes on TV to push their agenda. The poor cannot be heard. And one of the consequences of a very corrupt government is the deregulation of the media, so that five fatcat, war profiteering CEOs control all news, opinion and imagery in the country, and fill our public airwaves with rightwing tripe, further enforcing the feelings of disempowerment of the progressive majority.
Hitler swayed minds. Bush has not. Bush is merely the beneficiary of the corporate rightwing loop of "talking points"--from Rove's desk to the lapdog press to the people, who wonder what planet the rightwing is living on, but who cannot deny that Bush is in power, so they think, "Well, some people must believe this crap." But it's not "some people." It's Rove. It's self-feeding propaganda. (My favorite image for this is Rove writing the press releases about how/why Bush won the 2004 election way back in 2001, when the HAVA electronic voting scam bill was passed by the anthraxed Congress. I don't know if he did. But I'll bet he did. It was those gay couples--oh, and their "secret" get out the vote campaign in the churches.)
Hitler had big rallies with millions of people chanting "sieg heil!" Bush/Cheney could barely get the old geezers off the buses they had to use, to cart people into their extremely dull events--and even there they had to be careful to keep anti-Bush people out (highly vetted audiences). They don't dare put Bush in front of a REAL crowd of Americans.
Bush took over a prosperous country--not one that was turning to him out of desperate economic need. And he is turning the country INTO a basket case, that may well see a Hitlerian figure rise to power in the not-distant future. Bush bankrupted us. He and his fellow criminals--and the rich oligarchy that permitted him to remain in power (including, alas, all too many Democratic Party leaders)--are looting this country blind. I frankly think they're going to put a pro-war, pro-corporate Democrat in the White House in 2008 (Hillary) for the Democrats to take all the blame, when the shit hits the fan, on Bush's financial and foreign policy disasters. And THAT is when the Germany 1930s model may be most pertinent--as the center/left fractures over who is going to pay for the Bush junta's thievery and other horrors, and is unable to govern. There may be other issues, too--like a military Draft (I expect the war Dems to implement one). And we could be looking at things like food riots and big veterans' protests and marches of old grannies in wheelchairs whose Social Security funds have been looted. If Hillary has made a deal (and I strongly suspect that she has), I hope she realizes what the rightwing fascists have in mind. And I hope she supports election reform. It's going to be a lot harder to restore our right to vote without a national bill.
Throw Diebold, ES&S and all election theft machines into 'Boston Harbor' NOW!