and it seeped into the water of the citizens of Godley, Illinois? It's made National Headlines. I have a very PERSONAL connection to this story. My sister-in-law grew up there. She had twin girls from a previous marriage who grew up there and were always sick. My brother married her when the twins were 4 and they now have a 7 year old son. They moved from Godley 5 years ago because their home burned down. Who would ever think THAT was a blessing in disguise? My sister-in-law works for the village of Godley (city clerk), population 600. She's worked there forever and has a ton of inside information on this scandal. She is the one who meets with the Exelon/ComEd higher ups, the IEPA, the NRC the journalists from the NYT, AP, Chicago and locals. She is at EVERY meeting they have on this DISASTER.
Exelon has contaminated Godley's water with Tritium. MANY of the wells are very shallow and they have a high water table because of the sand in the soil. There was a HUGE front page article in my local paper today about a Godley lady who started looking at her neighbors and asking a LOT of questions about their tumors, body rashes, sick children who were never sick until they moved to Godley, Lymphoma, babies with tumors, dogs with tumors, cats that were healthy one day and dead the next, dogs having convulsions/seizure, one lady has a field mouse in her freezer because it had NO LEGS, NO TEETH and ONE EYE, one little girl had NO ENAMEL on her teeth and so much more. Exelon leaked the Tritium years ago and covered it up. Last April, 2005, my S-I-L was at a town meeting where a nuclear plant activist released the information to the entire room, in front of cameras and reporters and THAT is how this info made it out. They still did NOTHING about it. It has taken this long to get this story noticed.
My Rep, (Repuke, Jerry Weller) USELESS PICE OF SHIT THAT HE IS, knew about this YEARS ago and did NOTHING. A couple of weeks ago the fact that he knew about it and did nothing was exposed in our local paper. I just talked to my s-i-l and she said Weller sent a LETTER to their last meeting. He's now saying the people of Godley should have a new water system and EXELON should pay for it, but that was all he had to say. My s-i-l said she had to give him credit for THAT and I had to clue her into the fact that it's "cover his ass time" because he had been exposed a couple of weeks ago because he knew and did nothing. She didn't know anything about that. She talked to Obama, in person, last week and he and Durbin (co-sponsor) are on this. I think she said they were going to introduce some kind of legislation on it very soon and she gave me no specifics.
Also, back in 2000, Exelon dumped DIESEL FUEL in a drainage ditch and told NO ONE! Someone in Godley was smelling something funny and walked across the street and there it was...a ditch FULL of Diesel Fuel! My sil said Exelon first said it was just 50 gallons. Then it was 500 gallons. NOW, they are admitting to dumping 5000 GALLONS of diesel fuel in that drainage ditch. Some people in Godley, to this day, have an oily film on their water! 6 YEARS LATER!!!!!
People have taken TRITIUM baths, drank it, cooked with it, given it to their pets and their children in their baby bottles!!! Can you imagine? So, guess what Exelon does. They invite the people of Godley to go to their wonderful nuclear plant to "see what it's all about." They had trinkets to hand out, a CLOWN for the kids, the biggest buffet my sil has ever seen, and were trying their best to BRIBE the people. As soon as the head honcho saw my sil walk in..he told other people and she was FOLLOWED the entire time she was there. She REFUSED to take any of their damn bribes or food.
I told her tonight SHE NEEDS TO LOOK OVER HER SHOULDER! These people are evil and are capable of anything. She said she had already thought about that and was constantly watching those around her. She KNOWS who she's dealing with. They are still denying the fact that Tritium is dangerous and cancerous. Tritium cannot be boiled out of the water. Purification systems cannot remove it either. Tritium IS water with an extra molecule (I think that's what I read)? H3O. It will never go away. Their water will have to come from another city if Godley remains Godley. I don't know....if it was me? I'd be outta there YESTERDAY.
One very young couple who just moved there with their INFANT and 2 year old were NEVER TOLD ABOUT THE TRITIUM by the real estate agent! They spent $6000 on a purification system only to learn it was a waste of money because it will never remove the Tritium from the water.
See how these people operate? They don't give a rats ass about the people of Godley. All they care about is their corporate reputation, $$$$$$, and keeping this story covered up. Oh, oh, oh!....I almost forgot...Exelon has agreed to buy bottled water for the people of Godley and the surrounding area.:eyes: Today my sil had to go door to door to do a head count in each home to give to Exelon because they refused to do anything until they had THAT info.:eyes: Also, there's a horse farm affected by this...30+ horses! Exelon will be supplying water for them too. So GENEROUS, eh? Are they going to buy bottled water for the citizens of Godley FOREVER, or what?
I was just HEARTSICK when I read this article today. My brother and his entire family have been exposed to that chemical. I'm hoping they join in a class action lawsuit and it looks VERY LIKELY one will be filed. G-d only knows what their futures hold.:(