The Dunce of Dubai
With the Dubai ports deal dead, Americans can only shake their heads and wonder: How stupid can one president be?
March 15 2006
Thank you, DP World, for backing out of the ports deal and exposing, once again -- this time for everyone to see, plainly and painfully -- what an ass sits in the Oval Office.
But there's more going on here than the usual Bush family blowjobs of rich sheiks. No, this is just more proof that the stupider someone is, the less likely he is to offer compromise, to open his mind to other options, to admit a misjudgment, no matter how slight -- because, then, wouldn't people see how unqualified that someone is?
Americans can no longer deny it (and for the most part, they don't) -- the man we (sort of) elected president is a moron. Someone who lies and belligerently defies the will of the vast majority of Congress and the people who (sort of) elected him, because he fears his incompetence will become too obvious.
It's sad, really. And embarrassing to watch. I almost feel sorry for George Bush, this man I hate. And I definitely feel sorry for the country I love. Because it's being irreparably damaged by a smirking, jackass-stubborn simpleton.