As some of you might know, I've been engaged in a debate over at the about.com Civil Liberties boards with a few people that can only be described as unaligned Freepers. People who SHOULD be over at Freak Republic yet somehow managed to avoid it. Well, after a series of exchanges, I'm bowing out of the conversation. Tired of pounding sand down a rathole and shouting down a well.
This was my final post there. I'm done.
Except it's not just the Dems who've said think the warrantless wiretaps go too far.
This administration is so out of control it's frightening and, as long as you yourselves aren't adversely affected, you'll go along with it. You can't for a minute tell me it's not completely partisan and you'd accept all this from a Democratic administration. You can't stop whining about Clinton, and, compared to this meathead and his minions, Clinton was the soul of discretion.
There is plenty of evidence (mostly ignored by what you laughingly would call the "liberal media") that this administration used faulty evidence to convince people to go along with an attack on Iraq. It wasn't Saddam who threw weapons inspectors (who, as it turns out, were pretty sure that there weren't any WMDs by the time that happened) but the U.S., who intended to attack Iraq regardless of what anyone thought about the idea.
It's obvious that you folks will continue to excuse this administration's excesses to the point it no longer matters... Iran's next on the hit-list. Let's add ANOTHER war we don't have the resources to win, and continue to flush our treasury down the toilet. China already owns 10% of our debt. I'm sure you're quite happy with owing the commies and giving them the power to completely shut down our economy should they desire to do so.
News flash. Even in the BEST circumstances we can't compete with China's growing economic strength. But these aren't the best circumstances. China still maintains trade tariffs against us yet we don't do the same, giving America corporations carte blanche to make obscene profits at the expense of the American worker. We're practically HANDING China the opportunity to become the next superpower, while stealing the future from our own children.
Even a lot of RWers are starting to get it. Pat Buchanan and William F. Buckley certainly do. There is NOTHING conservative about this administration. They're "catapulting the propaganda" with such gusto, aided by a compliant media machine, that we're being buried in enough bullshit to fill ten stockyards a day. Everything has become spin and only a few lone voices in the wilderness have the guts to point it out.
I think you people have hitched your wagon to this guy and his bumbling crew and can't for a minute consider the possibility that you made a drastic mistake. So be it. I just wish you weren't dragging the rest of us along for the ride over the rapidly approaching cliff.
The fact is that the right is just simply wrong. Economically, politically, strategically, and socially. You willingly grant corporations power they shouldn't have, give aid and comfort to our largest economic adversary, punish people for telling the truth, throw our resources away with all the discipline of a drunken sailor on shore leave, and undermine the role of the middle class in society. And that's just for STARTERS. You claim to want smaller government, yet support unprecedented growth in government, and interference in sectors that should (rightfully) remain outside government control.
I surrender. I came here to check the barometer and find, to my disgust and dismay, that you folks are so complacent that you'll excuse any excess in the name of your precious ideology, even when it should be perfectly apparent that they're betraying YOUR ideology as well as America's future.
If by some miracle we manage to escape the looming disaster and manage to inject some sense into this government before it's too late, I'm sure you'll be lining up to condemn anything done by a more reasonable and rational administration and/or congress. But, on the other hand, if things go from bad to worse and we're all ass-deep in alligators ten years from now, just remember. We tried to warn you. Go ahead and blame it all on the people who saw it coming.
I'm sure you will anyway. Anything else would be unthinkable.