There are many who feel that one specific event, the straw that broke the camel's back, will somehow result in the demise of the chimp.
It ain't gonna happen.
After all he has done (Iraq, torture, spying, lying), and all he has not done (Katrina) you would think there was enough there to dethrone the bastard.
Not so.
There will be no singular event that will dethrone the putz. If a singular event were enough, the chimp would be gone. Lying to start a war comes to mind..
The American people are beginning to feel the pain of Buyer's Remorse. He said "Trust me", they trusted him, and now they're beginning to find the place where we have all been for a very long time. The chimp is done, you can stick a fork in his ass. He is an embarrasment to the GOP, shit, he's like fucking cancer. Nobody wants anything to do with him.
So why does he remain?
Because the repukelian majority still remains more loyal to their party than to their constituants. They're greedy, corrupt bastards that can only function the way they do if the system they function in remains intact. And the chimp is a part of that system. And it's not only the GOP assholes either. Any Dem that refuses to stand behind Feingold is a miserable bastard too. Jesus, look at how the republican majority derailed the NSA investigation. If that investigation would have taken place, Feingold never would have requested censure. GOP Loyalists eager and willing to bury the truth, just to protect their party and their president. It's a national fucking embarrasment. It's like O'Conner said, we are well on our way towards a dictatorship. Nice. And assholes like Kerry and Reid and the rest of them walk around with their heads up their asses like all is well.
And that is exactly how the miserable bastard gets away will all the shit. Because he can. Because there aren't enough men and women who were outraged by the GOP derailing the NSA investigation, along with so many other investigations that should have taken place, but never did.
Our Democratic Representatives are a bunch of spineless, gutless cowards who don't have the strength necessary to stand up for what is right. Feingold does.
We deserve all the shit we take because the people we empowered to spreak for us are a bunch of gutless, spineless cowards.