Uganda : Alcohol Makes Mouth Cells Susceptible to HIV Infection
OPINION March 15, 2006 Posted to the web March 15, 2006
Oscar Bamuhigire Kampala
A couple of years ago, three of my colleagues at Namasagali University died of hiv/AIDS. They had used condoms most of the time, but drunk a lot of alcohol.
It is then that I knew there was a link between alcoholism and HIV/AIDS. Recent scientific findings at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) revealed that beer might cause the cells that line your mouth to become more vulnerable to HIV.
Previous studies had always focused on how alcohol made people more vulnerable to irresponsible sexual behaviour, but these findings throw new light on the role of alcohol in facilitating the spread of HIV/AIDS.
The study, titled Ethanol Stimulation of HIV Infection of Oral Epithelial Cells, reports that exposure to four percent alcohol, a common amount for most beers, can weaken mouth cells.
The report was published recently in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes.
Anyone else ever hear of this???