Edited on Thu Mar-16-06 01:37 AM by calipendence
I do agree the first step will be to "clear the deck" of corruption. Get rid of the bad eggs in congress and look to impeach Bush and Cheney right away together. Once this is done, then clean out the executive branch when Nancy Pelosi takes over to start fresh with some new faces with perhaps just about everyone except Norm Mineta as a Dem, but even he we might want to replace. Ensure that proper whistleblower protection is in place and then give those that have been "muzzled" like Sibel Edmonds and Russell Tice a chance to either have their day in court, or testify before congress. If the Supreme Court and other court judges/officials are found to have been complicit in White House wrongdoings and subsequent coverups with the "state secrets" act protections (Hello SCOTUS and Reggie Walton?!), then formalize proceedings to impeach them too. Perhaps impeach them before going after Bush, so that we might get someone other than Roberts to preside as judge over congress in an impeachment trial.
Other things to do once we've cleared the deck: - Universal Health Care Coverage - Review our NAFTA/CAFTA, etc. treaties and decide if they need to be revised (to have competitive clauses for workers' rights, etc. too) before we continue to honor them. - Shut down ANWR oil drilling efforts - RESTORE funding to alternative energy research WITHOUT any strings attached like Bushco has constantly been doing! - Start work on getting a nationwide "Clean Elections" public financing bill for elections. - Perhaps if we have supermajorities in either 2006 or 2008, proceed to put together a constitutional ammendment protecting a women's right to choose, so it is no longer an area of judicial interpretation that would allow Roe V. Wade to be overturned. - Put together a constitutional ammendment to snsure that the rights of "personhood" only applies to human beings, NOT corporations! This we might have to wait until we clear out the deadwood of the DLC first though (which might not happen until 2008) - If Pelosi is brought to power in 2007 and/or Feingold in 2008, at that time help Ginsberg and other justices that might be considering leaving SCOTUS retire quickly so that we can replace them with the youngest and healthiest liberal judges possible (NO MORE consulting of Orrin Hatch to get recommendations of folks that have limited potential time spans on SCOTUS like was done with Ginsberg). - Beef up laws that penalize and prosecute those who would hire illegal aliens for Americans' jobs. Put together a decent nationwide program not for a nationwide ID that won't be TRACKED centrally, but will allow employers and others in power to immediately accurately validate someones' citizenship to help with this effort. Make it like validating the newer currency we have. - Restore bankruptcy protection for those who need it. - Put in place short term (but not TOO short) CORRECTIVE higher top marginal tax rates like those in the 60's (90%, etc.) to get back the revenue lost from 1980 onward with all of these corruption obtained tax cuts that the Republicans have been grabbing from us to fuel the economic divide we currently have. - Look at going back to the table with other countries on signing Kyoto, and working on other means to help with the problems of Global Warming issues. - Revisit the Telecommunications Act, and bring back some of the regulations that were lost there and put newer ones in place for the newer technologies to foster greater competition and service to the American Public, including a restoration of the Fairness Doctrine that has been brought up-to-date. In the process, perhaps proceed with breaking up some of the monopolies/oligopolies that have been created from that (Clear Channel, Sinclair Broadcasting, Newscorp, etc.) - Put in newer legislation guaranteeing that we won't have abuse with election fraud by going to open source software for voting machines, etc. - Fix social security so that it is a flat tax, not a regressive one that taxes Bill Gates the same amount as many of us here get taxed. - START PAYING DOWN THE DEFICIT so that we can start bring back the dollar as a worthy global investment instead of the falling mess it is now! - Revamp Homeland Security so that it has crisis management experts in charge instead of the cronies we have there now. -