I did. And it was almost more than I could handle. It was such an awkward attempt at a con job. It had all the appearances of a poorly done low-budget infomercial. Really, I thought the Faux network had more talent than that. Just like the Cheney "interview" it was taped so that they were sure to cover all the points on their propaganda checklist.
I lost track of how many times she (?), I'll give him/her/it the benefit of the doubt here, invoked her "Daddy" as the reason she decided to run. Well, she made him look like a great humanitarian and he was anything but. I live in the same part of Central Florida where he lived and where Cruella grew up and I know different. Aside from having most of his money handed down to him from his parents, he made more money from the small chain of banks he operated. To be specific, a good deal of it was from foreclosing on widows and retirees. So this money that she is spending on her campaign indirectly comes from the people who lost their homes to the Harris bank chain. Last night Harris mentioned something about his work for Habitat for Humanity. I
never heard or read anything in the media around here with his name associated with H for H.
I had to laugh when they both spoke about her spending her "life's fortune" of ten million bucks on her campaign. The reason she has to fund her own campaign is because the Florida GOP doesn't want her to run and won't give her any support of any kind.
And by the way. They made ten million bucks sound like a big sacrifice. It's chump change to Harris. Her family has been wealthy for generations. When her "Daddy" died he was said to be worth around $700 million. She no doubt added a sizable chunk of that to her own already huge portfolio.
Does anyone here remember the Survivor season that had "Johnny Fairplay" in it? He was a player that cooked up a scheme before the game began with one of his buddies that when the buddy came to visit he would tell Johnny that his dearly beloved Granny had died while he was on the island. Granny was alive and well but the whole scheme was to make Johnny's status in the game more secure. Hearing Cruella last night saying she was "doing it for Daddy" brought that Survivor episode all back to me. In her desperation Harris has obviously pulled out all the stops, using anything at her disposal, including begging for sympathy to get votes. I'm sure she will invoke his name many times as a tool in every speaking engagement from now until election time.
It's probably a good thing that she is running, even if she doesn't have the support of her own party. Now if Jebbie decides to run they will cancel each other out. And just think of the mud they will sling at each other during the primaries that can be revived at the general election. I am also pleased to see her run so that she will go down in an embarrassing defeat and the writing will be on the wall for the rethug party in Florida.