public radio show "This American Life" had a great program last weekend about the innocence of some of the prisoners at Guantanomo. An audio link is available above. The reporter was also interviewed on Majority Report on Air America a couple days ago. "Act One" is the best part.
The piece explains that a group of anti-Communist Chinese Muslims were put into Guantanomo. Everyone realizes that they were not terrorists, but they are still being kept. They have been reclassified to no longer be "enemy combatants." US says they can't send them back to China because the Chinese would kill them, but the US won't find any other place for them. The reporter said he thinks the US doesn't want to release them because then the US would see that many harmless people have been imprisoned.
The report explains that a guy who simply ran a satirical website in Pakistan was thrown into Guantanomo. He had made fun of a Pakistani Cleric, and the Cleric told the US he was a terrorist.
The report said the US courts finally said that detainees have a right to an attorney, but the US is not letting those lawyers into the hearings.
The evidence against each person is classified. The detainee and their lawyers are not allowed to see it, and there were cases in which the military judges said they had not seen the evidence.
The worst was a case against one guy. His secret file was accidentally made public. It included 6 letters from US agencies saying that they had no evidence against the guy. That "evidence" was not shown at his hearing and was not made available to his attorneys.