I brought this up in an exchange on the Cinescape board with some gay-basher. Here's the exact exchange so far:
ME: Of course being gay is a choice. I know many gay people who woke up one day, and said "Gee, I sure would like to stick my penis in another man's ass, and have everybody suddenly start hating me. I'd love to be able to walk down the street, wondering if some homophobe like whatgives is going to beat me to a pulp. I think I'll just come out of the closet and have my family disown me. Yep, sounds like what I'm going to do today."
Does anyone really, honestly think this is a choice that someone just makes? Seems like the ones who bash gays the most are the ones who spend most of their time thinking about man-sex. They're always the ones bringing up "butt-banging", which by nature means they HAVE to be thinking about it.
gaybasher: I doubt Democrats consciously decide to be traitorous, but they sure are good at it!
ME: Who's the traitor? The ones who rushed into a war that has killed thousands of our soldiers (and injured many times more), only to find no WMDs, and ignored all the warnings that this could push that country into a civil war? Or the ones who were saying we didn't need to rush into such a war, that we should give inspections more time?
Who's the traitor? The ones who ignored the Constitution and ordered illegal wiretaps on American citizens? Or the ones who said we should use the FISA court set up specifically for this situation, and even said you can get warrants applied after the fact?
Would you consider someone who calls the US Constitution a "worthless piece of paper" a traitor?
I'm pretty sure someone had a source for this awhile back, just want to make sure I can source it in case this guy decides to try to call me on it.