Dear Senator Lincoln,
I am writing with a question that has been plaguing me for the last few days. What is the purpose of the US Senate?
From my school days, I thought it was the job of a United States Senator to represent and protect the people, to provide the necessary 'checks and balances' to the other two branches of government, and to uphold the US Constitution. But I must be mistaken.
From the last five years, I gather the Senate's job is to do the bidding of corporations and their lobbyists. To allow the Executive branch to become all-powerful, ignoring any and all laws, treaties, and Constitutional restrictions as they see fit. I also understand, via the Patriot Act for example, that the Senate believes the United States Constitution is 'quaint' and the Bill of Rights can easily be circumvented because the President as so decided.
With the exceptions of Senator Russ Feingold and Senator Tom Harkin, who have called for censuring George W. Bush, I see no others within the hollowed chamber ready to uphold their oath of office. Over two-thirds of American citizens do not approve of the new 'unitary' executive, yet there appears to be only two Democratic Senators who have the passion to do their jobs.
Your office in Fayetteville said that you were concerned because only Andrew Jackson had ever been censured in the past. However, on February 21, 1999, you did not hesitate to sponsor a resolution for censure against President Bill Clinton.
I can only assume that you believe an 'inappropriate relationship' is of greater significance to our democracy than violation of the FISA law and Constitution.
I suggest that the US Senate just close the doors and send all Senators home. Why spend tax dollars for unnecessary salaries especially since the country is approaching bankruptcy at an alarming rate?
Sincerely, Bonnie G. Davis