An open letter to Cindy Sheehan, one of the many mothers of the soldiers in Iraq in the third anniversary of the invasion of Iraq
From Baghdad we write to you to express our feelings and soreness for losing your kids in the war declared by the US administration on the mothers and women like you in Iraq.
Also, we wish to convey to you the greetings of the Iraqi mothers who share the agony and pain with you, the mothers who have lost their kids in the hands of occupying troops. It is the same feeling and pain of every mother in the world when she loses her child regardless.
From Baghdad, I also have a mother who worries about me living in the most dangerous region in the world. She calls me every single day, worries about me until her days turn into nightmares, thus the situations of every mother in Iraq.
In a visit to one of the neighborhoods where we educate people to avoid a civil war and raise the humanitarian flag, we met with some mothers and spoke with them about you and your heroic role in leading the protests for bringing the troops back home. They felt proud and their eyes filled with tears and they said, “Please say hi to Cindy and every mother who lost a child in this war”. They couldn’t believe the fact that there are American women who think of them and their sufferings. We told them, “It is the corporate media who try to divide people and portray the American people as supporters of the war and occupation crimes.”
Dear Cindy… our enemy has never been your or any mothers’ son. Our and your enemy is the inhumane policies of Bush’s administration in Iraq. We cannot stop the ongoing bloodshed in Iraq unless we unify our efforts in Iraq and the US.
Every success the anti war and occupation movement achieve, means more power for our movement in Iraq to end the occupation. Our agonies for losing our beloved ones are the same.
Iraq Freedom Congress (IFC) was formed to end the human tragedy in Iraq, and it is part of the global peace movement to build a brighter future for Iraqis. Defeating the inhumane policy of George W. Bush and his deputy Dick Cheney means a great victory of human freedom in Iraq and elsewhere in the world.
In my speech in the international solidarity with IFC conference in Japan, I emphasized on the importance of supporting the struggle of our dearest friends in the US. The anguishes of the fathers and mothers who had their kids sent to Iraq are no less than the ones of the Iraqis who are worried to death of having their kids killed in the hands of the occupying troops or suicidal operation of one of the terrorist groups. Therefore wining the heart and mind of an American soldier by wining his family’s heart and mind to empower our movement and end the war and occupation is much better than having him sent home wrapped with a flag.
Again in this occasion we would like to express to you and all mothers in the US our deepest condolences for losing your beloved ones in this war. Let’s raise the freedom flag together. Let’s say together from Washington to Baghdad, “Our enemy is one… he is the enemy of humanity”.
Long live Cindy
Long live the Iraqi struggle for freedom
Long live international solidarity
Samir Adil
President of Iraq Freedom Congress
Baghdad, March 16, 2006
Thank you, Cindy, for being an ambassador for peace!