Edited on Thu Mar-16-06 06:14 PM by rpgamerd00d
People are constantly asking why the Republicans always seem so lockstep and the Dems always seem so incohesive.
I figured it out today.
The Republican Party is restrictive. Therefore, if you are a member, you have to have the same restrictive view of the world. Pro-Life, Pro-War, etc. etc. If you agree with the Repub platform, you are basically of one ideal, of one mindset. This is why we get this perception that they are all alike. They are. (or at least they pretend to be).
The Democratic Party is progressive. We like all kinds of ideas, and have a very openminded view of the world. Pro-Choice but we accept people that are pro-Life or shades of grey. Anti-War, but we accept people that aren't. etc. etc. So, even if you don't agree with all of the Democratic Platform, you can still become a Democrat. Different ideals, different mindsets. This is why we get this perception that we are chaotic and disorganized and not all "on the same page". We aren't.
In other words, the Republican Party is a very narrowly focussed party, so its members tend to all be alike. The Dem party is very unfocussed, so its members tend to all be different.
If we split the Dem party into pieces, where once piece was "pro-choice/green" and another piece was "pro-life/green" and another piece was "pro-choice/anti-war" etc. etc., and people quit the party to join the new parties, then any one of those new parties would be just as restrictive and would appear just as "cohesive" as the Republican party.
But we don't want to do that. What we need to do, is to make our differences in opinion and our open mindedness our "single cohesive platform." We need to frame our "diversity" in a way that makes it seem we're all the same. Sameness is what people identify with, folks. You identify something like you, and then you glom onto that, and accept it as part of your life.
That is where we need to improve our image. A cohesive appearance people can identify with.