It has taken some time for companies to set up policies to comply with this bill. Sounding innocent enough corporations are supposed to have internal auditing procedures and make efforts to certify financial affairs. As an engineer with 20 years in the manufacturing business I can easily testify that this bill creates staggering losses unseen by the very same bean counters who set it up.
Anyone who does taxes can relate to the complexity of accounting speak, which IMHO is very similar to Newspeak. I chose engineering, it is a hard science, rather than accounting as I have little patience for bullshit.
First off more and more of my job function has been diverted away from the solid and creative engineering functions. In recent projects man days have been lost drawing up paperwork and seeking three competitive bids for items so specialized that they are mostly made by a sole company.
Secondly in a large company with several manufacturing locations transfer of equipment unused at one facility but still very useful at another has ceased. The transfer of say a laser welding system now takes literally weeks of accounting permission,valuation,asset transfer, move cost estimates and so forth. Gone are the days when I drove my truck up there and they loaded it on.
Third, when one location closes down and leaves thousands of dollars worth of brand new electrical components still in the box. Upon seeing this I asked for items that our location could use. It was not in the time schedule to inventory all of these items. The dumpster company was the proud recipient of these brand new components.
Financial concerns and policy have become a priority above all others. A business mantra of compliance uber alles has developed and with it each zampolit beancounter's ego, inflamed to new dimensions are having their way with us the engineers. Guess what? It's tax day every day, sort of like the movie Ground Hog Day.
All this while whole factories go overseas because, what was it now, it's too expensive here. There is no indicator however measuring the wasted man years this law created. That program it seems is no longer useful and like fashion has been stuffed into the business concept recycle bin along with any hope of American business ever being "competitive in the global marketplace". Vomit bag not optitional.