No one can tell him he's wrong. That just makes him dig his heels in deeper. He's a spoiled, self-centered brat who never really grew up. His Mommy coddled him, his Daddy has protected him and got his butt out of trouble more times than anyone can count.
He looks awful. Just horrible. Of course, when you're an evil, nasty man doing evil, nasty things to mankind it will eventually take a toll on you. And all the careful lighting and makeup in the world cannot disguise it.
What amazes me is these so-called "evangelical Christians" believe in him. Even though he professes to be a born again Christian, he does nothing to indicate that he truly is other than going to church. But being born again has a much higher level of faith than just going to church, and nothing else Bush does follows along those lines. As a born again Christian, Bush should be held to a higher standard, yet he isn't. Forgiveness is one thing, but to allow sins to continue to be put upon innocent people is something else.
Time and time again, Bush has screwed up, but still people believe in him. We know he has a drunk driving record, he's been cited once for that. Other driving records have been purged, so we have no idea what else there was. But there surely was something, or else no need to purge the records.
We know he sold his Harken Energy stock shortly before it tanked, which was likely an illegal sale, yet he was bailed out.
He even traded Sammy Sosa, for Pete's sake! Talk about a major stumble!
He has lied to the American people, taken vacations during times of crises in America, made rude and insulting gestures to protesters in public, violated laws of the land, allowed cronyism and secret deals to be practiced in the White House and in his administration that did not benefit the American people, but instead benefited only his special interests, which are big businesses that are already financially sound. They don't really need more help. For instance, the oil company subsidies totalling millions of dollars, during a time when oil companies are setting new record high profits. Why? Americans cut corners in other areas just to fill up their gas tanks. Why? Why is George Bush allowing this to happen? Why is he endorsing it?
Now I ask you to consider this: What is Christian about any of this?
The Bible warned us to "beware a wolf in sheep's clothing." I think it should be pretty obvious that the evangelical Christians have been duped, and have placed their faith in this man without a real basis for doing so. Facts speak louder than words.
And now we have a Congress that won't uphold its duty to protect the American people and the Constitution. We have election theft. We have lobbyists writing the laws of the land. Unqualified people being appointed to positions they shouldn't hold.
All of these deeds will need to be answered for some day. Each and every one of us will meet our maker and have to explain our actions. I wonder how the evangelical Christians are going to answer for their support of this man and his very un-Christian agenda.
Bush does not promote love, forgiveness, acceptance, or tolerance. He does not protect the Constitution, he changes things to suit his needs without going through the proper legal procedures to do so. He promotes hatred, death, torture, rejection, and discrimination. All of which go against the laws of the land as well as the word of the God Bush professes to follow.
Actions speak louder than words, and deep inside these Christian people know what's happening is wrong. They will have to answer for their sins. Heaven help them all.