This is an OUTRAGE. As a Veteran of the Vietnam Era I am demanding that all members of the military STAND BY THEIR OATH, given upon their enlistment to PROTECT the United States of America, and DEFEND the Constitution against ENEMIES WITHIN and WITHOUT, and as such I demand that the Joint Chiefs of STAFF ARREST and DETAIN George W. BUSH, Dick Cheney, and any of their accomplices in this UNWARRANTED MALICIOUS ATTACK against a soveriegn nation with NO Air Power, and NO way of defending itself.
You CAN LEGALLY and MUST REFUSE an unlawful order, and our troops have NOT refused, and this is all the final proof I need that they will continue to commit war crimes, as such until they ARREST those involved in these war crimes I will NOT SUPPORT THEM.
The freedoms I was guaranteed and fought for by the blood of true patriots who protected and defended my country give me the RIGHT to REFUSE to support Troop who will not END this SLAUGHTER.
I fully support those who fought and died previous to this ILLEGAL ACT.
Helen Thomas says it all. This ia an INTERNATIONAL CRIME. I assume that the United States is one of the Nations of the world.