Edited on Fri Mar-17-06 11:11 AM by maxrandb
"What's the difference between George Bush and Jane Fonda?"..."Jane Fonda went to Vietnam".
That one makes freakers heads explode.
Rush Limbaugh dies and goes to hell. The Devil meets him and say; 'since you've been an exceptionally evil person on earth, I'm going to allow you to decide how you spend eternity'"
The Devil takes Rush on a tour of hell. They stop at the "False Christian Room". The devil explains that this is where people that claim to be Christians, while all the time using Christ to persecute others and make themselves rich spend eternity. Rush walks into the room and sees Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, James Dobson and several other prominent Republican evangelicals. Large men dressed as Roman soldiers beat the Republicans with whips and nail them to trees. After hours of agonizing torture, they eventually die, only to be resurected 3 minutes later, and the process begins all over again.
Rush says; "I don't want to spend eternity in the False Christian Room."
The next room the devil shows Rush is the "Hypocrite Room". Rush sees several prominent Republican politicians, fundraisers and lobbyist. Millions of savage dogs tear them slowly and painfully to peices. Then their bodies reform and the process begins all over again.
Rush says; "I don't want to spend eternity in the Hypocrite Room...but let me ask you; 'aren't there any Democrats in hell?".
The Devil says; "Yes, there is one Democrat, but to see him, you need to go to the "Sex Room".
Rush walks into the "Sex Room" and sees Bill Clinton lying on a heart shaped bed while a young dark haired woman performs felatio on him. All around is the most sumptuous food and fine wine Rush has ever seen.
Rush turns to the devil and say; "I've made my decision. I want to spend eternity in the Sex Room"
The devil turns to the couple on the bed, smiles and says; "Monica, you're releived".