Nancy Tran, Oakland
I didn't think too much about the war, because it didn't closely affect me. But now I'm dating a Marine, and it terrifies me when anyone mentions Iraq. I'm scared he's going to call me one day and tell me he's heading over there.
Chuck Fleischer, Corte Madera
I am no longer a registered Republican. I spent my 30-year military career trying to make friends and engender close ties with other people. Most of my efforts have been dashed by the Bush camp. I am looking forward to a regime change in '08, and we should begin this November.
Tina Martin, San Francisco
It's changed my perception of Germans as an anomaly. I'm sure they chose to believe that the reports of torture and murder were exaggerated or "isolated incidents" because they knew their country was a good country, and it would have been unpatriotic not to support their troops.
Walter Schivo, Novato
As former Army, I wear my "I served with pride" hat to show my support for the troops.
Abra White, San Francisco
I've lost faith in the government to make the right decisions for the American people. Before the war, I believed this administration was looking out for our best interests. Now, after years of unnecessary deaths and callous deception, all I see are motivations of greed and obliviousness.
Sue McCullough, Oakland
Even though I'm an Air Force veteran myself, I've finally become aware of veterans' issues. For the first time, I'm involved in supporting service people. I put up displays in my office building for Veterans Day and helped with a companywide care-package collection drive.
Eric Edenfield, San Francisco
I have become less optimistic about the future of this country. I feel the war is a terrible mistake, not to mention a strain on our resources. When I think of what we could be accomplishing with the billions thrown at this pointless war, I get very depressed. Son is over there and I spend every day worrying about him. I just want him home safe and sound. That is how the war has changed me....