I'm comparing the results from the
SurveyUSA poll on Bush's approval rating (38% approval) to the results of the 2004 election. This should give us the buyer's remorse index. The Most Bush-Regrettingest States are:
State - (2004 vote minus 2006 approval rate)
Kentucky - 20.6%
Arkansas - 20.3%
N.Jersey - 20.2%
Texas(!) - 20.1%
Indiana .- 19.9%The states where buyer's remorse is weakest are:
State - (2004 vote minus 2006 approval rate)
Hawai'i .- 8.3%
Minnesota- 8.6%
Illinois - 9.5%
Wash'gton- 9.6%
Vermont .- 9.8%Here's the full results:
Kentucky 20.6%
Arkansas 20.3%
NewJersey 20.2%
Texas 20.1%
Indiana 19.9%
NorthDakota 18.9%
Louisiana 18.7%
Idaho 18.4%
Kansas 18.0%
SouthDakota 17.9%
Michigan 17.8%
Tennessee 17.8%
Missouri 17.3%
WestVirginia 17.1%
Nebraska 16.9%
Wyoming 16.9%
Ohio 16.8%
Delaware 16.8%
Maine 16.6%
Oklahoma 16.6%
Utah 16.5%
SouthCarolina 16.0%
Colorado 15.7%
Florida 15.1%
Montana 15.1%
NorthCarolina 15.0%
Georgia 15.0%
Iowa 14.9%
Virginia 14.7%
Pennsylvania 14.4%
Alaska 14.1%
Maryland 13.9%
NewHampshire 13.9%
Nevada 13.5%
NewYork 13.1%
NewMexico 12.8%
Connecticut 12.0%
Alabama 11.5%
California 11.4%
Arizona 10.9%
Massachusetts 10.8%
RhodeIsland 10.7%
Mississippi 10.4%
Wisconsin 10.3%
Oregon 10.2%
Vermont 9.8%
Washington 9.6%
Illinois 9.5%
Minnesota 8.6%
Hawaii 8.3%