Bushite torturers, murderers and looters, who would hang homosexuals and stone fallen women to death if they had their druthers, and whose druthers are getting ever bolder with Diebold/ES&S 'voting' machines, are bent on--or rather their fascist funders and behind-the-scenes billionaire devils are bent on--driving us into the arms to the global corporate predators. And that it all goes back to Seattle 1999...
...50,000 people in the streets PEACEFULLY shutting down the World Trade Organization, over labor, environmental and democracy/secrecy issues. Labor unions, church groups, environmental groups, human rights groups, teachers, steel workers, USPS workers, workers of many kinds, scads of ordinary mostly white Americans in full revolt, 10,000 of whom took the Martin Luther King/Gandhi civil disobedience pledge and sat down in the intersections of the city of Seattle so the WTO meeting could not occur. Bill Clinton was president. Seattle/WA brought out the Darth Vader storm troops, and a police riot ensued, with huge hoses containing pepper spray aimed at the heads and faces of peaceful, seated demonstrators, bombs of tear gas, shootings of rubber bullets, nightclub batterings--a police riot that spread from downtown into nearby neighborhoods, where even a Seattle city councilman was brutalized along with thousands of completely uninvolved people. A police riot portrayed by all war profiteering corporate news monopolies--and even many leftist journals--as a protester riot. (It was nothing of the kind--I was there!).
Seattle 1999 was the harbinger of what ordinary Americans can do to stop global corporate predators. And we had the vote and sovereign control--in theory anyway--over all US-based corporations.
They smelled revolution. They smelled revolt at the polls against the global corporate program--with its outsourcing of jobs to slave labor enclaves around the world, and its final assault on the earth's natural resources. A program that Bill Clinton supported and signed into law.
And they put George Bush into the White House to beat us down with something even worse--out of control law breaking, unjust war, torture, fascist ugliness and stupidity, massive looting of all our hard-earned surpluses--an outright fascist junta, which permitted 9/11 to happen, grabbed total control of all branches of the US government, purged dissenting professionals in the military and the intelligence community, and used its power not only to steal Iraq's oil (slaughtering tens of thousands of innocent people) and to tear up the U.S. Constitution, but to bring us the "Help America Vote Act"--a Tom Delay/Bob Ney specialty of rotten legislation, designed to corrupt and destroy the US election system with Bushite corporations gaining control of the tabulation of our votes, using 'TRADE SECRET,' PROPRIETARY programming code with virtually no audit/recount controls.
The 2004 election wasn't an election. It was the final stage of the coup.
They now want to force Hillary Clinton upon us--clone to Bill on global corporate predator issues--as "our" next candidate for president, whom THEY will Diebold into office in '08, for their own purposes (--for one thing, to start placing the blame for Bush's financial and foreign policy disasters on the Democrats and the "left").
Susan Sarandon is right. Hillary does not belong in the White House. In any fair, honest and transparent vote in this country, she would lose to any number of populist ANTIWAR candidates (Al Gore, Russ Feingold, Barbara Boxer, John Conyers, Howard Dean, Cynthia McKinney...). She does not represent the views of the majority of Americans--on Bush's war and on many other issues.
However, Hillary is going to be president. I'm 99% sure of it. Not by the will of the people--we no longer have a mechanism by which to exercise our will. But by the will of the fascists, with whom she has likely made a deal.
I just hope that she still believes in democracy, deep in her heart, and can be convinced to restore TRANSPARENT elections via a national bill that could accomplish it quickly. Otherwise it's going to be a long slog through all state/local jurisdictions.
We MUST start strategizing on the basis of reality and truth--and not on this fairy tale about Democratic "messaging" and "framing."
It's NOT the message. It's the MACHINES.
"Messaging" is largely irrelevant with Bushites controlling the tabulation of our votes. WE DON'T GET TO CHOOSE OUR CANDIDATE OR OUR PRESIDENT. Get that? The choice has been taken away from us by 'TRADE SECRET' PROPRIETARY vote tabulation.
The fascists have put their "thumbs on the scales." They have been giving an automatic percentage advantage to Bushites and pro-war, pro-corporate candidates since 2002, and went whole hog in 2004, reversing a Kerry win, to keep the Bush junta in the White House for four more years of looting, lying, war profiteering and coverup. Message MIGHT have overcome the election theft machines in 2004. If Kerry had been antiwar, anti-torture and pro-universal health care, for instance, it might have created the landslide needed to overcome the fraud; moderate/centrist Kerry won by about a 5% margin, but needed closer to 10% merely to win. But that's a big maybe. So much was at stake in that election that I don't think any amount of votes would have put Kerry in the WH. I think they had a backup "terrorist alert" plan to shut down the vote in case the election theft machines (Plan A) and Ohio/FLA vote suppression (Plan B) could not overcome his win. (There is evidence for a Plan C: all prepped in the pre-election "news" with phony "terrorist" alerts--and, did you know this?--Dick Cheney flew to Hawaii two days before the election, supposedly to pump for vote in the bluest state in the nation. My guess: Election day scenario of V-P's plane in trouble over the Pacific on his return; maybe "terrorist" on board or bomb on board; west coast vote disrupted, martial law declared, etc., etc. The east coast states had a far greater deviation on Kerry's win of the exit polls, than did the west, where Kevin Shelley was still CA Secretary of State in Calif, for instance, and had banned Diebold touchscreens; they had the east coast wrapped up--the west was the issue.)
Bottom line: We will never have a real representative of the people in the White House ever again, and will never even come close to a truly representative Congress, as along as rightwing Bushite corporations are 'counting' the votes behind veil of secrecy.
It's a no-brainer.
Thus, we must prioritize and strategize to RESTORE our right to vote. That is the ONLY THING over which we still have some potential control, at the state/local level. That is the FOUNDATION of our democracy. Without TRANSPARENT elections, we cannot effect change in any other sphere of national policy. We are a mob, whose opinions are "researched" in order to manipulate us and shut us up. We have NO POWER.
We must not fall into fractiousness, and a center/left split--as happened in Germany in the early 1930s (paving the way to Hitler's rise). We MUST stay focused on the MECHANISM of our power--our right to vote--and get it back.
If we get distracted when Hillary implements a military Draft, implements the draconian measures needed to stabilize what may be an economy in free fall by then, fails to undo horrible Bushite policies on corporate regulation/taxes, fails to investigate the Bushites and recover some of our money, fails to act on global warming--or whatever her failures or obnoxious policies may be--and DO NOT RECOVER OUR RIGHT TO VOTE, we will LOSE OUR DEMOCRACY.
We must not remain a fractured population, pulled this way and that, on many admittedly dire issues. We MUST get our power back. That is the FIRST condition of change. That is the whole ballgame.
Some resources:
www.votersunite.org (MythBreakers - easy primer on electronic voting--one of the myths is that HAVA requires electronic voting; it does not.)
www.verfiedvoting.org (great activist site)
www.votetrustusa.org (news of this great grass roots movement from around the country)
www.UScountvotes.org (statistical monitoring of '06 and '08 elections)
www.solarbus.org/election/index.shtml (fab compendium of all election info)
www.freepress.org (devoted to election reform)
www.bradblog.com (also great, and devoted to election reform)
www.TruthIsAll.net (analysis of the 2004 election)
Sign the petition (Russ Holt, HR 550, great bill-has 169 sponsors).
http://www.rushholt.com/petition.htmlwww.debrabowen.com (Calif Senator running for Sec of State to reform election system)
www.votepa.us (well-organized local group of citizen activists in Pennsylvania, where important legal issues are at stake, including state's rights over election systems)
Also of interest:
Bob Koehler (-- four recent election reform initiatives in Ohio, predicted to win by 60/40 votes, flipped over, on election day, into 60/40 LOSSES!--the biggest flipover we've seen yet; the election theft machines and their masters are now dictating election policy!)
Bob Koehler's latest: "Take this box and stuff it" (3/16/06)
http://commonwonders.com/archives/col337.htmAmaryllis (Diebold, ES&S, Sequoia lavish lobbying of election officials - Beverly Hilton, Aug. '05)
Throw Diebold, ES&S and all election theft machines into 'Boston Harbor' NOW!
:think: :patriot: :woohoo: :patriot: :think: