Here's the rest of the Introduction—"answers" to the quiz and added commentary.
If you answered “a” for either of these questions, you’ve probably been following the Enron case in the Business Section of your local newspaper. Good for you! But your answer is wrong.
If you chose “b” for either of these questions, you’ve definitely been paying close attention to what’s been happening in the American political scene over the past six years. Way to go! But you’re still wrong.
If you answered “c” for either of these questions, then you’re probably a woman who remembers her adolescence well, you’re a middle or high school teacher, or you’re the parent of a teenage girl. Oh yeah, and you’re right.
Each of the statements listed above were taken directly from Rosalind Wiseman’s Queen Bees and Wannabes: Helping Your Daughter Survive Cliques, Gossip, Boyfriends, and Other Realities of Adolescence. If you have a teenage daughter, or a daughter who is thinking about becoming a teen, I strongly advise you to read this book. That is not, however, the purpose of the quiz.
The purpose of the quiz is to point out the frightening similarity between the people currently running our country and the savage girl groups that populate every school in America. Apparently when George Bush told Americans that “the adults are in charge,” he not only got it ass-backwards, he was wrong about the gender of those taking over.
For those of us who’ve actually been paying attention to the political scene—as opposed to watching American Idol or Survivor—we only thought we knew the catastrophic nadir to which our once great nation had sunk. The Hurricane Katrina debacle, going to war under false pretenses, the dismantling of the Bill of Rights, secrecy, torture, the wholesale auctioning off of our country to corporate interests: Yeah, those things are all pretty bad, but the ugly, underlying truth of the whole situation is much, much worse.
Ladies and gentlemen, the United States of America is currently being run by teenage girls.
The above, along with the quiz, is part of a longer article I've been writing, comparing the relationship between the Bush Administration, the Democrats, and the mainstream news media to the teen scene described in
Queen Bees and Wannabes. It really is frightening. The similarities are downright creepy.