From:The Suburban Ecstasies, March 17, 2006
The Perfect Storm: Why President Bush Is Likely to Be Impeached By November of 2007

(last 2 paragraphs)
The political winds of the moment can only be assessed with this "perfect storm" in mind. Progressive Democrats are tasked with a) preparing for impeachment proceedings (as by gathering the evidence to be presented therein), and b) keeping the base reminded that impeachment is the likely outcome of victory in November. Moderate Democrats are tasked with a) ensuring the conditions are ripe for a Republican Waterloo in November, and b) disguising from the public their desire to impeach Bush. Moderate Republicans are tasked with deciding when and where and how to jump ship, in order to preserve their own political fortunes while leaving Bush to the dustbin of history. Radical Republicans (though they don't know it) are tasked with taking so many potshots at the President they successfully immobilize him leading up the The Tipping Point, with the consequence that he will have done nothing for them--or Moderate GOPers--by mid-summer, leading both moderate and radical Republicans to stay home on election day. Meanwhile, the women of America, generally speaking, are tasked with waking the fuck up to the realization that Bush and his cronies will ultimately criminalize womanhood if left in power much longer (cf. the South Dakota Inquisition), and voting, therefore, en masse for the Democrats in November, thereby assuring their takeover of Washington.
Put more eloquently, most Democrats will be focused on keeping the Ship of State precisely where it is for about eight more months--that is, balanced precariously on the lip of a whirlpool--while most Republicans will be attentive to exactly when and where and how to lower the lifeboats from the said ship. And Bush, the nation's nominal Captain, will do what all great and honorable captains have done throughout history, when their ship has finally begun to sink. He will do what he has always done in times of trouble, which is return to the drink--though this time it will be the fundamentalist backwaters which spawned him, and not a tumbler of cheap booze.