Edited on Fri Mar-17-06 07:53 PM by MrsGrumpy
My daughter is all of 16. She is a bright girl, does well at school and is quite involved...both socially and on a civic level. She attends a private Catholic High School, but her decisions as to religion are all her own. Until recently, she was a member of Civil Air Patrol-an auxiliary unit of the USAF. She enjoyed it and had made good friends while contributing to the community. While I was not 100% (not even 10...to be honest) behind her involvement, I let her explore the possibilities in life and this was one of them. She quit, after 3 years, in January. Participating became less of a joy and more of an agony with the war escalating. She began to view it as glamorization of the military, couldn't wrap her head around it and opted out. Again, this was her decision. I just wanted to give you her background.
Tonight, at the dinner table with the news on in the background (yes, we are horrid parents who have the T.V. on during dinner;sometimes it leads to interesting discussions) she turned to me and said,"I wish there weren't any parties." Being the lunkhead that I am (thinking she meant party Parties...of the teen-aged drinking sort) I missed her point and said,"Okay." She went on to explain what she really meant. "Why have parties anymore? Why can't we vote on the person, not the party? It's all just so stupid...really."
Perhaps this all really means nothing to you...or the dozen or so freepers who will later accuse me of "poisoning, brainwashing etc" my kid, but I've been thinking of it these last couple of hours. How simple that sounds. How many times have we been embroiled in the bitter battles of party position? How many times have I turned my computer off in disgust? How many angry emails...rants and rages will we endure? Why can't the chains of following party line be finally and FOREVER thrown off? For me, there are days when I don't recognize a Democratic stance in any of the words uttered in the Senate...days when I am stunned at the negative reaction someone receives for standing up for what they believe in, instead of sitting quietly. How many times have I, myself been afraid to speak out for fear of being shot down, labeled...or worse?
Thinking on Jim Jeffords...he did a wonderful thing the day he shook his "chains" off. It's just a pity that so many of his fellow congresspeople were unwilling to follow, just as it's a shame so many of us are willing to settle for "something less" just to see a Democrat elected again.
These are the things I was thinking tonight...Thank you my daughter...and I can't wait until we can stand together two years from now and cast our votes and, hopefully, our consciences too.