Operation Smarmy turns into a yawning fiasco for the warmongers. Rove et al forgot the law of escalating expectations that guides the amusement park industry. If it aint a new shock and awe everyday, it just isn't going to get ratings anymore.
Time for the "nuklar" option. Until the day that asshole leaves the white house, this is my fear. He wants a legacy. He wants to have outdone every other president. His Napoleonic-3rd Reichish-gangster- Texas junta-administration still has some very ugly weapons in their arsenal that I predict they will not hesitate to use. I am not being a cynic. I am being a realist. Bush gets sexual excitement out of the idea of killing people. Enforcing the death penalty brings him pleasure. Torturing people calls that special gleam to his eye.
He will rub our bald heads for "luck," make up demeaning names for us, smirk at our miseries...and kill us slowly pinning us live and kicking like moths onto a board. His insect collection. That's all we are to him. He has so much power, he ejaculates poison. He is the God of War and Death. His animals are the vulture and the dog. And like Ares, he is vain, petulant, cowardly and utterly devoid of character. It's no wonder that the Greeks dispised the God of War.
I may be operating under the curse of Cassandra, but this is one hunch I would call a sure thing.
We need to renew our calls for peace and our calls to hold * accountable for his actions.
He is a psychopath and the head of a crime cartel. He is the most dangerous terrorist in the world.