Rather long and interesting article about the history of the dollar. Says we're an empire in decline. But seems as long as we keep exporting all those worthless dollars, our economy stays afloat. So by sending jobs and manufacturing overseas, that gives us more things to buy and more dollars to go overseas and sit in a bank. This has been going on since 1971. Rich companies have manufacturing plants. We have been had.
http://mathaba.net/0_index.shtml?x=530827"The more dollars are circulated outside the US, the more the rest of the world has had to provide the US with goods and services in exchange for these dollars. The US even has the luxury of having its debts denominated in its own currency.
How does this work?
· The United States runs a balance of payments deficit by spending more money in other countries (buying their products, investing in them, or giving them dollars) than they spend in the United States.
· The extra dollars are held by the countries’ central banks. The banks do not ask the United States to redeem them for gold or another currency. As long as foreign banks accept and hold dollars as if they were gold, the dollars act as reserves. "