That fight now is from a very deep hole... and with water filling into that hole our time is very short unfortunately. Some may say we'll pay the piper before 2008... or 2010... or 2012... but in either case, we all will pay dearly for ignoring what Washington has become during these past few decades with our own ignorant dumbing down to them.
I no longer see any of us as a minority but only the suppressed and oppressed as a whole. Even those who feel that they are of the upper 20% of this greedy NeoCon totum pole, they too will fall to the destructive fall-out that is to follow just as the Roman Empire fell centuries ago.
The key word is NeoCon... in both parties. That's our target enemy if ever we wake up and survive that hole filling up with water. Pure oxygen anyone? By Oct 2004, the NeoCon handwriting was on the wall.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ 2004 Party Realignment
A New Progressive Era Or Neocon FasicstDictatorship?
By Webster Griffin Tarpley
Washington, October 30, 2004 If the 36-year cycles which have marked US history up to now continue to operate, next Tuesday's presidential election should mark a critical watershed election leading to a basic realignment in the power relations between the political parties, and to a new pattern of dominance in the Electoral College for the decades ahead.
On the other hand, if Bush retains control of the White House, we can expect a neocon fascist dictatorship or martial law emergency regime in 2005 or 2006, possibly as the result of synthetic terrorism. The neocons are in a desperate flight forward mentality which seeks to avoid the penal consequences of what they have already done with Valerie Plame, the Niger yellowcake forgeries, the Israeli mole scandal, and the Chalabi betrayal of state secrets. The neocon preference is for early war with Iran. War with Russia and China cannot be excluded somewhat further down the road. Bush 41 invaded Somalia even after being defeated at the polls, and this should remind us that the war and synthetic terrorism dangers will remain high even if Bush is defeated at the polls.
The divide between the ouster of Bush, followed by progressive realignment, and Bush victory, followed by neocon fascism, is beyond doubt the 9/11 myth. Bush has made the 9/11 myth the exclusive basis of the GOP convention and the current campaign; he has no other issue but the demagogy of fear and terror. If the myth crumbles or even erodes, Bush's ability to retain power is impaired. If the myth holds, Bush will be very difficult to oust.
Recent US political history has been punctuated by repeated attempted and successful coups d'etat. In 1995 Gingrich sought to seize control of the government by shutting it down, but was defeated by Clinton. In 1998, Clinton's impeachment was a successful oligarchical coup, but his attempted ouster in 1999 was a coup that failed, because of Clinton's popular support against the impeachers. The stolen 2000 election was a classic neocon cold coup. The synthetic terrorism of September 11 was another coup, this time carried out by the invisible government. The grant by the Congress to Bush of war powers in 2002 was a violation of the Constitution, as Senator Byrd stressed; this was another coup which succeeded. The Iraq war of 2003, illegal on the domestic and international planes, was yet another successful coup. The planned coup of 2004 called for more synthetic terrorism, a wider war, and another Bush stolen election. Countervailing factors have so far prevented a new wave of synthetic terrorism and the opening of a wider war, say with Iran. The great issue is now whether the planned stealing of the election through Diebold and voter intimidation can be checkmated.