Edited on Sat Mar-18-06 07:55 PM by sweetheart
i wuz wunderin, them talkin points a bits too komplex given the literasy irate of the divine electorate.
Talkin points gottsa be simple.
The republicans have grown HUGE guvernment, BIG really fat, totally massive, and they've run up the credit card and made a right mess. Not only that, they are corrupt as sin, and this is just plain disgraceful, utterly shameful for a party claiming to represent the american people.
Your ideas are brilliant Nancy, but the dems need a unifying theme, a few cutting elevator pitches that deliver every single time they are repeated.
"Bush has cheated the american people." "They lied us in to iraq, what next..."
The battle must be the popular will, the song on the street, the whisper at the macdonalds counter... how soundly the republicans are gonna get whipped in their iraq corruption poll... when the birds finally come home to rest, the dead bodies, the occupied people, all of it... this poll seems destined to crack the republicans in to lame-duckers and defectors... perfect ground for mr. Dean...
I trust he's got the helm.
We need to "end the addiction" American addiction culture is killing itself from within more effectively than any foreign enemy could from without. I really think howard dean has got this sussed... the ground is tilting to much in favour of the dems this next poll, they are the real popular underground, the romantic hero in this next poll, and the republicans are just hated for their lies and corruption... the dems should just spill that paint on to the repukes, tar and fearther them with it and drum the scandalous bunch of liars out of the public house.
But i am an arrogant elitist bogeiouis, yes, one who believes a small minority of righteious partisan progressives are really politicall "right" for the heart of a people, and for my sin, i am an addict as well, to the optimism of a return to goodwill amongst people that has become so so lacking in times, it is simply tragic. A candidate who shows goodwill, radiates goodwill, will win... it is that quality of light so ebbing away in the harsh sniping of these facile men.