Besides doing a nice job (for a republican) of listing the failures of this administration, he takes the latest talking point about the administration being tired and explains it so that too sounds like another leadership failure on the part of *. Certainly, I don't get that he feels there should be any sympathy for this crowd... more like "why are they so bull headed"... and is using tongue and cheek humor to make that point...
Just my take anyway, I am sure others will differ... here are a few snips from the article - it was a good read.
Too tired to think: team Bush loses its wayAndrew Sullivan
There is no shortage of theories to explain the seemingly growing dysfunction in the Bush administration. I don’t mean by this the flawed structural decisions — to invade and occupy Iraq with half the troops needed, to add trillions to the national debt with no way on earth to pay them back, to expend a vast amount of energy on social security reform while Iraq went to hell (and get no social security reform anyway). I mean the daily, tactical decisions that can so easily derail any government.
Here are a few. President George W Bush was given clear warning that Hurricane Katrina could become a national disaster, yet wasted days before he took any real action to jolt his chaotic administration into a meaningful response. He nominated an unqualified indentured servant, Harriet Miers, for the Supreme Court — and infuriated his base before picking someone else.
About here in the article he pull's out the "tired" defense....and then later points out the problems with that very defense.
There are two problems with this. The first is that people who make mistakes often find it hard to admit them; and so errors are not corrected. It’s hard to put Abu Ghraib behind you when its chief architects — Cheney, Rumsfeld and Alberto Gonzales, the attorney-general — are still defending their own complicity in sanctioning torture.
In fact, the only significant figures who have left this administration are those who got things right. Paul O’Neill, the Treasury secretary, worried about deficits in the first term. Colin Powell, the secretary of state, worried about the Iraq war and opposed the decision to legalise torture. Both are gone.
The rest are always right, and tell the president he has never made a mistake. And they are exhausted beyond belief. At some point, one surmises, the president will have to make a change, won’t he? He’ll have to reach out at some point. He’ll be forced to bring in people who aren’t half-dead with exhaustion to run the country, won’t he?
And then you remember you’ve been saying the same thing to yourself for three years. And you wake up and smell the coffee the administration now needs just to keep itself from slipping into a coma.
Anyway, besides pointing out the flaw in the "they are tired" defense... what I found most encouraging is that Andrew is not the only thinking Republican out there... how many more like him are being silent and wanting this nightmare to end as bad as we do ?