musician who was "invited" to sit at our table and eat while the Democratic politicians were speaking their allotted 5 minutes while we (activist dems) ate
The lady to my left started the "discussion" off:she asked the band guys (Irish band)if they were good Dems. She had assumed they were Democrats(why I don't know)and asked them this teasingly.
One turned red and said that he used to be a reg. Dem but now he was unenrolled and he was ashamed to admit it but that he had voted for B* but now he regrets it, the other just stared at her arrogantly,disdainfully,smugly.
She got the vibe he was giving off and asked him if was going to be able to eat sitting at a table with true blue liberal progressive Democrats
He sneered at her and said "You are willing to admit you are liberals?" As if she had admitted we had a social disease or something
She asked him "How would characterize yourself?"
He said"I'm a good conservative"
She said "what does that mean exactly?"
8 people waited to hear his answer
He said " Lower taxes,and standing up for what you believe"
She said " I'm willing to stand up for what I believe and "lower taxes" have gone primarily to the top 1% and have nearly bankrupted this country"
Just then the food arrived and the conversation lagged. The politicians started speaking and we were listening and applauding- sometimes politely sometimes enthusiastically even Mr Conservative.
Then a certain politician got up and made what I thought were pretty generic remarks and Mr Conservative sat there with a weird look on his face that prompted the woman to my left to ask " Do you have a problem with him?" And for some reason this question set him off.
He criticised the man who happens to be a mayor of a pretty large city and he said the man was a perfect example of what was wrong with the Democratic Party.
For the first time I spoke up:"When I think of the 2 political parties sometimes I compare them to a driver of a car - the Republican only puts the car in reverse and if we are lucky as a nation he sometimes gets it into neutral, the Democrat on the other hand puts the car into drive and it is only then that we advance forward. For the life of me I don't know why anyone would want to drive in reverse all the time. But then I can't imagine why anyone would want to be a Repuglican or especially admit to it now with the mess we are in and the fact that Repuplicans control all 3 branches of gov't and have brought us this mess
You should have seen the look on his face
Finally his response:
Bill Clinton was a disgrace
I laughed out loud at him and so did the table and he knew he didn't have a leg to stand on. The lady and another man at our table continued the "discussion".
They hate to be laughed at.