As an evil, selfish, ulterior motive, doesn't give a fuck about anybody, wants to take over the world, greedy, fascist dictator he's competent just fine. But as President, he's probably the most incompetent in that role in our nations great history. Many want to say "no, he's not incompetent, that's giving him a free pass, he knows exactly what he's doing!", but that doesn't apply to his presidency, it applies to his evil agenda. He's competent at being evil. No ones arguing that. As president, however, he is 100% incompetent and always has been. That is why it is now the most common word associated with him. But for those that disagree, I want to provide the actual definition of 'incompetence', because it is pretty hard to argue when made aware what it actually means.
in·com·pe·tent ( P ) Pronunciation Key (n-kmp-tnt) adj.
1. Not qualified in legal terms: a defendant who was incompetent to stand trial. 2. Inadequate for or unsuited to a particular purpose or application. 3. Devoid of those qualities requisite for effective conduct or action.
So, working with definition 2 or 3, I think it is pretty clear to those aware of the truth that he is most definitely inadequate and unsuited to what the purpose of being President is really supposed to be (ya know, like caring about your countrymen, improving quality of life, helping economic conditions, building international relations, securing the homeland, protecting the environment, etc...). I think it is all quite clear that he is devoid of the qualities requisite for the effective conduct and action of what it really means to be President of the United States.
Now, if you agree that he is in fact inadequate and unsuited for the purposes of being President, and is devoid of the human qualities necessary to be an effective President, then he is Inarguably Incompetent. If you think he isn't incompetent as President, then I'd be happy to hear how he has proven to actually be adequate and suited for the role as well as showing he has the honorable qualities requisite to be an effective President. Cause I'll be damned if I can think of any way how whatsoever.
I hope this definition based clarity clears things up. :)