Posted on Sun, Mar. 19, 2006
It's not as outlandish as it may seem. Ah, spring. Snow melts, flowers bloom, and a Democrat's fancy turns to thoughts of impeachment.
Seriously. The Impeach Bush movement has made great strides over the last few years, and today It would be easy to dismiss impeachment as a quixotic fringe movement, yet that would be a mistake. The odds are at least even that Democrats will win the House in 2006. That would make Conyers chairman of the Judiciary Committee, free to push through resolutions and hold hearings as he sees fit.
Feingold is running for president, and as he reaps political gains from the base by pushing for censure (with the possibility of impeachment), other Democratic contenders will gravitate toward his position. Remember that in 2003 the Democratic field was uniformly pro-war until Howard Dean made hay from the antiwar movement, causing the serious candidates to vacillate.
Impeachment is still in the distance, but make no mistake: Eventually the circus is coming to town.
impeachment isn't just a looming carnival of the absurd, quacking and clanging about on the horizon - it's a real possibility for 2007.
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