But the number of wounded is not clear-cut. In fact, that count is elusive. DoD numbers have tallied 17,702 wounded.
"Basically, that's everybody who has been through the major military hospitals, like Walter Reed Army Medical Center," said Kryn Westhoven, spokesman for the New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. "There are some who are not counted in that roll-up, and the numbers are not broken down by state."
New Jersey Gov. Jon S. Corzine has asked the department to track the number but the task is "nightmarish," according to Westhoven, particularly since the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (known as HIPAA) does not allow patients' medical information to be reported because of privacy issues. HIPAA covers both the civilian and military populations.
http://www.courierpostonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060319/NEWS01/603190369/1006Nearly 150,000 Iraq and Afghanistan vets have shown up on the doorsteps of VA health centers since 2001 -- and about one third, 46,000, have been seen for mental health issues, the agency says. Veterans' advocates say those figures point to cost increases ahead, with two wars in progress.
VA officials and the White House insist they are ready to deal with this ongoing human cost of war, marked not by fatalities alone but also by those who survive.
They say President George W. Bush's budget proposal next year would mark a 69 percent increase in veterans health-care spending since he took office, to $34.3 billion. About $300 million in new spending in the past two years has shortened waiting times for care and largely erased the problems outlined by its post-traumatic stress disorder committee, the VA insists.
But many veterans groups -- from newcomers like the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America to mainline stalwarts like the American Legion -- say Bush's spending still shortchanges the needs of veterans and leaves the VA ill-prepared to deal with what's still to come.